


Fall Favorites

Happy first day of fall!

I know it's a bit cliche to be all "BRING ON THE PUMPKIN SPICE LATTES, APPLE PICKING, PUMPKIN PICKING, APPLE BUTTER MAKING, PUMPKIN PIE BAKING" ... and that's not what I have in store (breath of fresh air?). I have some different fall favorites to share today.

We are deep in the throes of football season, and no, I don't really care a lick about the actual game, but I sure do like the sound of it on the television. To me, a Sunday afternoon of listening to the familiar sounds of football while the doors to the outside are wide open, crisp breezes filling the house, well that's just a good day.

Yesterday evening I replaced our embarrassingly dead summer flowers with new fall plants. We have two tall distressed metal planters, one on each side of the front door, and I chose large heads of ornamental kale and periwinkle-colored pansies. Our Home Depot had the kale for $3.33/ea and the pansies were less than a dollar each. For just over $11 we now have an entry point to our home that doesn't make me cringe :) We do have some vinca vine in some planters on the back patio that I may try to separate to add to the front door planters. I think vines would look pretty trailing down. I can't wait until the pansies fill in more and are blooming all under the kale.

Soup season! I really enjoy having a nice, hearty soup for dinner, and even more attractive to me is the idea of one-pot cooking (and easy cleaning). Whether made in the crockpot or the dutch oven, you can just add in ingredients as you have time and let it all simmer. Since I'm currently working from home, it's such an easy dinner to piece together as time allows and have ready for when the baby goes to sleep for the evening.

I want to make this mushroom soup, this white bean stew, and my very favorite beer cheese soup recipe that I snagged from a restaurant I was in once. It was so incredibly delicious that I asked if the chef would share the recipe with me, and I was shocked when the waitress came back with the recipe scrawled on the back of receipt paper. I'll post it here for sure.

Pumpkin spice lattes aside, what are your favorite parts about the fall season?


  1. we are on the same page with the soup obsession. i have some mushrooms in my fridge that i need to use before they go bad and that recipe is calling my name!

  2. add the trailing vine to your planter. you are always suppose to have a "thriller" (your cabbage), and "filler" (your pansies) and a "spiller" (the vine) to complete a planter! :)

  3. Love soup season! That beer cheese soup recipe sounds intriguing, can't wait to see what it is!

  4. #1, yes yes yes! I actually do love the game but I get goosebumps when we can turn on the game and open the windows and doors. Let's be honest, that doesn't happen until November in Texas, though. ;)

  5. I can't wait to see the beer cheese soup recipe! sounds amazing!

  6. TOTALLY agree with you about football! We've got our jerseys and our chili and I love the sound of it in the background of the day, but watch the game? That's ok ;)

  7. Soup season is basically year-round for me since I love it so much, but I'm always happy when fall rolls around to make my soup-obsession more seasonally acceptable, haha! Looking forward to trying out new soup recipes this season!

  8. love soup and homemade breads! Oh and cups of hot tea in the evening!

  9. um yes post that beer cheese recipe! I've been hunting and hunting for a good one.

  10. Soup season is right! Love it so much.

  11. Your planters look so pretty! I need to get rid of the geraniums and do the same thing!

  12. ahhh i thought i was the only special one who truly enjoyed the sounds of football on tv. i do like watching it, but i'll even put on games i don't care about just to have the excitement on in the background!

  13. LOVE!!! And you need to add Barefoot Contessa's Winter Minestrone to your list of soups to make. This has been a favorite of ours for a couple of years now :)

  14. oh i am so excited about soup season!! I just pinned that white bean stew- definitely making that one soon.

  15. Totally agree with soup season, it's the best! And makes meal time so easy!

  16. I've made that white bean stew and it is Amazing - it freezes very well too!


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