

Online Shopping: Can't Stop Won't Stop

Guess what is really fun to do while you are hooked up to a baby or a pump ... online shopping. Heck yeah.

I don't know if you have had your eye on Zulily, but they have been absolutely killing it lately. Here are some of my very favorites.

I have to whittle down my shopping cart just a tad to stay in budget, but I'm pretty sure the crab bubble is a must ... and I'm super interested in the idea of a changing pad cover with a built-in velcro swaddle?! Not only would this be pretty comfortable for baby during nighttime feedings, but it would also keep little fingers from accidentally making their way into -- a mess. TMI?

Look what I found on #zulily! Lavender Gingham Crab Bubble Bodysuit - Infant #zulilyfinds
Lavender Gingham Crab Bubble Bodysuit

Another great find on #zulily! 35'' x 45'' Pink Rocking Horse Blanket #zulilyfinds
Pink Rocking Horse Blanket
This would make such a sweet baby shower gift - you can never have too many blankets!

Look what I found on #zulily! Cream SwaddleChange Changing Pad Cover #zulilyfinds
Halo SwaddleChange Changing Pad Cover
If anyone has one of these, I'd love to hear your take!

Pink Rhinestone Avent Pacifier by Crystal Dream #zulily #zulilyfinds
Pink Rhinestone Avent Pacifier

This Navy Nautical Legwarmers is perfect! #zulilyfinds
Navy Nautical Leg Warmers

Loving this Lemon Zest Jules Teething Necklace - Women on #zulily! #zulilyfinds
Gumeez Lemon Zest Teething Necklace
I own two of these -- fab baby shower gift!

Zulily is completely free to join, you just need an invitation. If you would like to use my referral invitation link, click here -- and then you can turn around and refer Zulily to your friends! Like most of these online sale shopping sites, you can earn store credit when your friends make their first purchases, so it's a fun way of sharing fun sale items and maybe getting an item or two at no or low cost.

Zulily is not just baby/mama items -- they also feature home decor, kitchenware, clothes and footwear, the list goes on.

Happy shopping and let me know what you'd pick from my choices!


  1. I love Zulily too! My mom is even more hooked than I am. Everytime I turn around, she is texting me telling me a package should be arriving soon from Kennedy from Zulily. :) I love that purple crab bubble, so adorable! I am getting sad that this is probably Kennedy's last summer to wear bubbles. Also intrigued by the convertible changing pad!

  2. Cute stuff! Those teething necklaces are definitely intriguing. I've been eyeballing a few on Etsy.

  3. I have been trying to avoid Zulilly because currently Baby Gap has me in its clutches. Just cannot resist all the sweet baby girl items!

  4. That little romper is too cute. I have a problem called "i fill up my online carts but never push purchase otherwise we'd be poor" Although i desperately wish i could! So much cute stuff out there!!

    Alycia//Crazily Normal

  5. God, I love Zulily! And that crab bubble is too cute!! I am also so intrigued by the swaddle changing pad...another thing I wish I had thought of!!

  6. God, I love Zulily! And that crab bubble is too cute!! I am also so intrigued by the swaddle changing pad...another thing I wish I had thought of!!

  7. I am addicted to shopping online. I would much rather shop online than go to the mall!

  8. Love that romper! Online shopping is my weakness!

  9. Oh my goodness I went crazy those first couple of months at home with baby Andrew! Everything was so new and cute and LITTLE, I just had to have it! I went crazy on Etsy! There's really not much that beats packages being delivered!

  10. The rhinestone pacifier is so cute! I have a girl baby shower coming up and this would be perfect. I have never heard of a teething necklace, that would make a great gift too!


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