

Week 40 Pregnancy Journal

How Far Along? 40 weeks ... come on, sweet girl!

Size of Baby: A small pumpkin (20 inches)! Our baby weighs approximately 7.5 lbs now according to the BabyBump app (just for a point of reference, I was 7.1 when I was born ... Ian was 7.11)

Gender: All pink!

Weight Gain: Up two pounds from last week's weight, so up a total of 23 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight.

Maternity Clothes: All the time.

Nursery: Check!

Movement: I feel like it's slowing down just a bit, but she's definitely still active. Hiccups happen once daily.

Symptoms: Hormones -- tears come easier than ever before. Also, my skin hasn't been as smooth and glowy as it was in earlier months (dang, was hoping that was there to stay). When sitting, because my belly has dropped, it's much easier to sit like a guy so my tummy can hang down between my thighs ... isn't this attractive?! Walking is becoming increasingly difficult due to lots of pressure from the waist down. 

Sleep: Sleeping well minus the nightly shuffle to the restroom, and it's sometimes difficult to go back to sleep after that.

Cravings: Fresh fruit, peanut butter cups, Honey Nut Cheerios. 

What I Miss: Flexibility. Popping out of bed.

Best Moment This Week: Going out on maternity leave. Thursday and Friday were great days to get things done before baby comes. Also, date night with Ian on Saturday evening was a true highlight. We went out to Bricktops, sat on the patio, and had a wonderful dinner together. Maybe our last one out for a while!

Looking Forward To: Calling my family to tell them it's time!


  1. Congratulations on week 40!! Lets hope (for your sake) there's a sweet baby update this time next week!!! Good luck for this week, soooo excited to meet your little girl! xx

  2. Can't wait to get that call! The best days are the days babies come safely into the world. Dave and I send all happy thoughts! Love you, Aunt K

  3. You're so close!! Praying for both you & Christina during this home stretch in your pregnancies!! So excited for you!

  4. You look great! So excited for you!

  5. Over the moon for you, gorgeous mama! Can't imagine the anticipation!!! (And Bricktops patio...perfect pre-babe date night. YUM!) xx

  6. You're looking fabulous. You'll be calling your family in no time! Although it might feel like a long time ;)

  7. So, so exciting!! Will be praying for a safe & quick delivery! {When she decides to arrive!!} :)

  8. You are such a beautiful pregnant lady! Sending good vibes for a quick and positive labor and delivery!

  9. Again, you look AMAZING!! Can't wait to see pics.

  10. You look amazing as usual! Can't wait till I log onto the blog and see the news!

  11. So pretty and boy do you have a great sense of style :) I remember all to well when the tears would come easy. Ahh to be pregnant and emotional ;) Hoping little girl comes soon and you have a safe and beautiful delivery !!

  12. You look so great!! I still have three weeks to go and my hormones are CRAZY!! I'm just a mess these days! Cannot wait to hear about your sweet baby girl making her way here! (and Bricktops is the best - love that place)

  13. I am so excited for you I can't stand it!!! You are just the cutest little pregnant woman!

  14. Love the photo progression! You look beautiful! Best of luck to you.

  15. Love looking at all the pictures from the last 35 months! (I'm still trying to figure out when you really popped because all of a sudden the baby was just there! Haha!) Still, you are the cutest little pregnant lady ever! I'll miss your weekly posts (let's hope we don't get a week 41, huh?), but cannot wait to see your baby girl's introduction!

  16. almost there! good luck chickadee!
    xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  17. YAY 40 WEEKS!!! She's going to be here so soon!!

  18. Yay, for 40 weeks!!! Any time now!!!

  19. It's almost birthday celebration time!!

  20. Happy Due Date! I swear you and Christina are going to have your babies on the same day - haha what a story! You will do great!

  21. Eeekk! It's almost time! So excited for you! Hoping next week's update has a baby in the picture :) Come on baby girl!

  22. Oh my goodness she will be here so soon! How exciting!! And you are just the cutest little pregnant thing ever:)

  23. I can only hope and dream to be as lucky as you with this pregnancy. 40 weeks and you still have your ankles and wrists and can wear your rings! :) SO healthy and beautiful.

  24. These are all great ideas! I hadn't even thought about not being able to drive for a week! Thanks for sharing. And your daughter is beautiful!


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