

My Five Must Haves For Spring

Spring Must Haves

Spring is in the air, and I have been itching to start switching out my closet. Sayonara, sweaters!

I have a few spring favorites that I wanted to share today. Here's what I'm loving!

As soon as the weather warms up, I start noticing the ol' "Makeup Slide." You know, where by 10am your makeup just isn't exactly where you placed it two or three hours before. As soon as heat and humidity start kicking in here in the South, I turn to my old standbys: Benefit Stay Flawless 15-Hour Primer (1) and Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion (2). These two products help ensure that I still have on blush at the end of the day. And blush is totally my favorite makeup product.

One sort of odd item that I've been enjoying recently is a cooling foot spray. Due to this pregnancy, I have a lot more weight on my little tootsies each day, and random leg cramps at night are the pits. This peppermint spray version from Body Shop (3) is really similar to the one I own, which I couldn't find online. Ian's been running a lot lately, so before we get into bed at night, we spray down our feet and calves with our spray and it is so refreshing and tingly! Maybe a bit on the random side, but it feels so spa-like and I just love it.

Starting this weekend, we plan on spending lots of time outdoors getting some plants in the ground. I like to do all of our yardwork before showering for the day, so a good baseball cap is a necessity. This year I WILL purchase a monogrammed version (4)! How have I gone this long without one?!

And I have to give a mention to my favorite flip-flops of all time -- yes, maybe they are more for college kids than 32-year olds, but I just love my trusty Rainbows (5). I have literally owned my pair for more than 10 years (does that gross you out?). Hmm. Maybe that grosses me out. Mental note: replace those bad boys this year.

What are your spring must-haves? Do we share any of the same favorites?


  1. great picks! the urban decay primer potion is my favorite! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

    ps stop by, im hosting a leigh viner giveaway!

  2. I NEED to try that mint spray! I am 30 weeks and these cramps and charlie horses have not been my friend! Sometimes I get in bed at night and my legs and feet hurt so bad that I can't stay still! I will have to check that out for sure!

  3. I swear by the Urban Decay Primer Potion. I have the anti-aging kind and use it every single day. Thanks for the recommendation!

  4. I really need to try that Benefit primer. I swear when I look in the mirror in the afternoon, I wonder what the heck happened to my makeup.

    I have never owned rainbows, but this might be the year that I do :)

  5. I love Benefits Cosmetics! I also like Loreal's Lumi Foundation. It's so light weight and living in South Florida, it makes you look glowy without melting off your face. Great finds!

  6. I LOVE that new benefit primer. I have tried many different kinds and it's the best by far!

  7. Great picks! I planted a few things yesterday and look forward to finishing! Totally know what you mean about the dreaded make-up slide, too. :/

  8. Now I really want to try that foot spray! Love the flip flops too, may have to get some :)

  9. I can't say enough amazing things about UD Primer

  10. I am with you on the monogrammed baseball cap!!! I to don't know how I've gone this long without one! A spring must have in my book too!! :) Great finds!

  11. Rainbows- my college sandal of choice I can never cheat on. :)

  12. Rainbows- my college sandal of choice I can never cheat on. :)

  13. I am a benefit lover but haven't tried the primer...need to check that out! Xx.

  14. I love reading other people's must haves. I actually do a linkup every month with my "Favorite Things." So much fun!

    Anyways, I definitely need to check out that primer, because I'm like makeup just slliiiides down my face as the day goes on. Not cute, especially with eye liner. HA!


  15. the foot spray~ I'll definitely be checking that out for the summer!

  16. Awesome picks! I have been wanting to try that Benefit face primer for awhile now. I love the idea of just "swipe and go"! The peppermint foot spray sounds fantastic for tired feet (which is always an issue I'm dealing with) I'm adding it to my shopping list now!

    xo Always, Abby

  17. Love Rainbows! I've had mine forever too and keep thinking I need to get a pair in a 2nd color!

  18. I need that primer- it's that warm here yet but I hear you about that makeup slide! Its the worst. That foot spray sounds amazing- I might need to try it out.

  19. Try Sanuk flip flops and you'll never go back! They are made of yoga mar material. SO comfy!

  20. I love that cute monogrammed hat! Anything from Body Shop makes my fav list too! One of my BFF's works for corporate so she is able to get me lots of goodies. My new fav is banana conditioner! Also, I should probably be ashamed to say that I have had the same pair of Rainbows for at least 10 years too. I wear the heck out of them and they are still in one piece!

    Have a great night!


  21. Rainbows are the best!! I still have my original pair on hand for messy days at the river and such!

  22. Loved this! That good spray is my absolute favorite! It works wonders on my feet at night!

  23. I definitely need to try this primer! I have had the hardest time finding a primer that actually works and also doesn't break my skin out!


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