

Week 26 Pregnancy Journal

How Far Along? 26 weeks

Size of Baby: A hothouse cucumber (14 inches). Baby weighs 1.75lbs now!

Gender: A sweet little girl.

Weight Gain: A gain of one pound this week. Now up a total of 9 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight -- but since I lost a few pounds in the first trimester, up 12 pounds total from my lowest pregnancy weight.

Maternity Clothes: Um, yes please. Not entirely bored with my selection thus far -- and it's helping that it will warm up during my pregnancy too which will allow me to branch out into other outfit combinations. I haven't spent a lot on maternity clothes -- I received many hand-me-downs which is so wonderful.

Nursery: I received the fabric samples that I ordered online and have been having a lot of fun with nursery planning! Saturday morning, Ian and I did a ton of work moving the office over to the previous guestroom. The room setup is completely different, so we had to reconfigure the way the office looks. The nursery is almost completely empty now -- just ready for a new paint job and all of the baby fittings!

Movement: Oh yes. To the point where sometimes I can see my belly jumping out of the corner of my eye. Movement that big!

Symptoms: I kept reading that cramps and charley horses are normal symptoms of pregnancy. I was thinking I'd bypassed that hurdle, but this past week I have had two crazy cramps to hit me while in bed -- one in my lower leg and one in the arch of my foot. The second one was painful enough that it made me involuntarily sit up out of bed in agony (dramatic much??). So maybe I will be taking the epidural after all. Ha!

Other than that, a little hormonal in that I will tear up at the drop of a hat. The other day I was in the car and T-Pain's song "Booty Wurk" came on. It had been a while since I heard it and honestly, I don't know what happened, but I was so moved by how much I love that dang ghetto rap song that tears sprung to my eyes. I KNOW.

Sleep: Sleeping great with the pregnancy pillow, love my Snoogle! Still finding myself on my back occasionally which I'm really trying to break the habit of.

Cravings: No crazy cravings to mention. Just a big appetite!

What I Miss: Exercise. And it's not that I can't do it, but I just don't really have the drive -- and there are certain activities/movements I can't do anymore for baby's safety. Plus, if I exert myself too hard, I'm completely wiped out for the rest of the day.

Best Moment This Week: Registering for baby goodies on Sunday ... and then coming home and looking at all of my girlfriends' registries to see what they registered for too! It has been so much fun to compare notes with dear girlfriends. One of them has a baby shower coming up this weekend that I'm helping to host, and I can't WAIT.

Looking Forward To: Finishing the registry process at an adorable baby boutique here in Charlotte. It's the perfect way to spend the afternoon!


  1. I am 26 weeks too! You look great. The leg cramps are the worst, I have found a banana before bed helps--something about the potassium. Have fun registering and showering :)

  2. I might side-eye so many other people for tearing up over a rap song, but you doing it just seems too adorable!! You look great and so glad to hear you're still feeling pretty good! Hope to see you at the meet-up Thursday!

  3. That is hilarious about the song! Maybe we're in the wrong if Booty Werk isn't moving us to tears! :)

  4. You are the cutest! Bananas are good, but also if like pickles they are supposed to help also. If you really love pickles a few sips of pickle juice is to really have the most benefits. Sounds weird/gross, I know, but it is the potassium that helps.

  5. Oh the leg cramps were just the pits! I feel for you. Having a banana as a pre-bed snack did seem to help me. Hang in there!

  6. when I was at your point I turned to pure barre pregnancy dvds....the only workouts other than walking that I did after that point. It felt so good because it was like a long stretching routine built into a decent workout! you look so darn cute!

  7. The fact that you teared up because you love Booty Werk just

    You look adorable - hang in there, lady!

  8. I am always worried about sleeping on my back as well. I'm 30 weeks pregnant and constantly wake up on my back. One of my good friends is an OB nurse and she told me not to panic because you only need a slight elevation in your hips. She recommended that I put a pillow right behind my back (almost wedged under my side) so if I roll over in my sleep my hips are at least elevated a little bit. I still prefer to be on my side, but at least I don't panic now when I wake up on my back! Maybe that will help you!

  9. I quit exercising at 33-weeks because I was totally wiped out after doing it. When we went on our babymoon I wanted to exercise everyday and Brad begged me not too because he knew I would be no good for nothing.
    I still did it 3 out of the 6 :) Looking good!

  10. Ok..First of all, you give me baby fever. How adorable are you!?!! Second, I love that black and white top on you. You dress so well!

  11. April, you look so stylish pregnant!! Your bump doesn't even look real;it looks like you have a little ball stuffed under your shirt. :-D

    I literally lol'ed at what made you emotional in week 26. :)

    Loving the updates!


  12. April, you look so stylish pregnant!! Your bump doesn't even look real;it looks like you have a little ball stuffed under your shirt. :-D

    I literally lol'ed at what made you emotional in week 26. :)

    Loving the updates!


  13. You look adorable!
    Sometimes eating a banana or drinking a big glass of water helps the cramps. And get ready for the water works.....I was never a cry baby. In fact, my husband says he had only seen me cry a total of 5 times before having babies and even now, I can tear up at the drop of a hat!

  14. charley horse cramps are the worst!! i hope you dont get any more. xo

  15. Ha! I love that a rap song made you tear up!

  16. You are so adorable girly!! yay for registering!

  17. You are glowing!! Thanks for sharing these posts with us!

  18. Would that adorable baby boutique happen to be Shower Me With Love?!? I love that store!!! You are looking fabulous! :)

  19. Love this exciting. And sooo funny about you tearing up with the rap song...definitely sounds like something that will happen to me one day. So funny and cute! Congrats again on your little bundle!!

  20. I am dying over "Booty Wurk". DYING.

  21. AAAAH! Ha! Love it! Tears for booty work. I LOVE IT!!!!!! Your heart. Bless!!!

  22. Don't stress about being on your back! I did that during my pregnancy and lost sleep over making sure every time I woke up I was on my side. My doctor told me that it will naturally just happen when you need to be because you won't be able to breathe right and it will just be uncomfortable. That is sooo the truth. I was able to til at least 33 weeks!!! (then it's a blur I can't remember haha) They also told me it would do nothing to the baby, but your own body will know it... again true. You just feel kinda short of breath and weird from them being on that nerve. Get the sleep while you can! Our 8 week old decided 5am this morning was time to party... and lucky girl is back to sleep.

  23. You are the cutest pregnant lady! Random question, do you like have plantation shutters? I have thought about putting them in our guest room instead of curtains.

  24. I'm almost 25 weeks and have so many of the same things going on! I love my Snoogle but still always end up on my back! (which of course makes me feel all panicky!) You look adorable!

  25. maternity pillow
    I love my snoogle pillow too its amazing!

  26. Congratulations, you are entering in pregnancy week 26.You are looking so young and active.But i Think sleeping is definitely getting uncomfortable during this pregnancy week. Try sleeping on your left side. Your baby has to battle with your backbone when you're lying on your back, and sleeping on your back will also position your uterus over a major artery, cutting off blood flow.Get pregnacy related all information like 26 weeks pregnancy symptoms and any other advice at Motherszone.


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