

Real Talk Thursday

Life is great -- I've got heat when it's chilly, a full belly (in every sense of the word), friends and family that support me, a loving husband, a fulfilling career, and a dang fine roof over my head.

And with that disclaimer, a bit of a vent sesh.

What is it about bad things happening in threes? Or fours?

When it happens in fours, it makes you wonder if you just have had a stroke of bad luck or if you've got two more doozies heading your way.

Well said, Liz.

It all started Sunday morning when we noticed that Drake was acting rather bothered by his left arm, where it meets his torso. He was licking it and I noticed the fur was thinning out. By Sunday evening the fur was almost gone. I concocted a bandage of sorts using a washcloth and medical tape but it wasn't staying up. By Monday morning, he had a bit of a large scab forming. By Monday evening -- Y'ALL -- when I came home from work, an entire chunk, CHUNK, was missing from his arm. I was looking deep, deep into his skin, about a full half inch in. Enough to make your stomach flip. Thank goodness for adrenaline that got us through it and a new cone of shame that is keeping him from messing with it further. He went to the vet and got new meds -- antibiotics and steroids. The vet said the cause could be a whole host of reasons, and right now we are just hoping he recovers quickly and then doesn't start messing with the area again once he's healed.

Tuesday morning I was slated to head to Vermont for work. Ian awoke before me to shower, but he came out of the bathroom immediately and said "We've got a problem." Frozen pipes. We had no water in our shower. Thankfully, our guest room shower was working so we were able to use that. But then Ian's computer research on frozen pipes got us all worried about the potential for a busted pipe and the thousands of dollars it may take to get that fixed. Ouch.

I conducted a phone interview that morning from home and then started throwing outfits willy-nilly in my overnight bag for Vermont. I was so flustered and felt so guilty leaving a home with half of the faucets operating and a dog chewing his arm off. On the rushed way out of the door, I got my first automated call from the air carrier letting me know my first connecting flight was delayed.

The airport Tuesday morning was a madhouse. And delay after delay for my Philadelphia flight would have caused a missed connecting flight to Vermont. So I had to cancel the trip at the last minute -- rebooking everything for next week -- the event, the hotel, the rental car, the flight. The client was great about it but my anxiety was at about a 9.3 out of 10.

And during that time, Ian was texting me asking -- did I have a chance to get someone out about the pipes? Because this is a "catastrophic home situation April!" Well. I said some choice words and did a bit of texting to him in caps lock (whoops, sorry babe) and got on the phone at the airport to get someone lined up to come to the house. Only thing is, he was doing the same thing. We ended up having three appointments set, two of which were with the very same plumbing company.

Y'all. I was about to lose it.

The upside was that my cancelled trip resulted in me getting to spend the night in my own bed, and I'm not in the super chilly Vermont temperatures -- only the super chilly Charlotte temperatures.

And yesterday morning Ian texted me that our garage door was not working.

Did I mention that a month ago we sold all of our bedroom furniture and still have yet to replace it? We are sleeping on a mattress on the floor, and there are piles of our folded clothes on the guestroom bed and my closet floor. We still have no bed ordered, no mattresses selected, no dresser, no nightstand for Ian.

No nursery furniture except for a rocking chair and a rocking horse (necessities).

Do it fabulously!

I'm going to call mercy.
Have you had these days?

Life is not perfect and I know that these are all small things (assuming Drake gets better).

But these small things might just cause me to lose it.

Le sigh.


I'll be back tomorrow with a HAPPY Five on Friday, I can assure you that. Thanks for hanging with me today. Sometimes a girl just needs to vent!  


  1. Oh my goodness!! I hope the rest of your week and weekend get a hundred times better!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Oh my word- Of all times to NEED A DRINK!

    Here's to things getting better and having a fab weekend!

  4. chin up, little mama. we all have those weeks - TRUST! like you said, these are all small things. saying a little prayer for drake this morning and sending lots of love your way! xoxoxo

  5. Wow! What a week! I hope the rest of it gets better -- and with these "warmer" temps coming maybe everything will settle back down!
    xo A Southern Style
    P.S. Loving the Liz Taylor quote

  6. Oh honey, it HAPPENS. It all feels so miserable when you're in the throes of it, but you know as well as I do -- before you know it, you'll be looking back on this thinking, "Phew, that was a rough few days!" but they'll be solidly behind you.

    My heart hurts for your sweet Drake. Pipes schmipes - you can fix those. Drake is irreplaceable! Get well soon, pup!

  7. Not a fun week - I hope Drake is ok. Roscoe was doing the exact same thing - in the exact same spot (although, he didn't rip skin, but he was nursing his leg and licking like a mad man)....after like 3 days, I finally started taking a really close eye to it - and I found a Tick. Hopefully Drake's situation is a non-issue like Roscoe's.

    Also, gotta say, I laughed out loud at Ian's text.

  8. :((((
    Hope Drake is ok. What in the world do they think caused it?? As for the pipes. I started warning Brad about that on Sunday. I even emailed the renters in my condo.
    Brad just laughed. Um.. it does and did happen to a lot of people I know.
    Was it an underground pipe?

  9. venting is SO GOOD. Do it! I hear ya on the sleeping on the floor part, did you read my post yesterday?

    And as a mom of two, just try to relax on the nursery. My anxiety over having the perfect nursery lessened with each child. If we have more kids I probably will just throw them in a pack n play in our room. No kidding.

  10. What a bad string of luck. I hope that everything gets fixed soon. I blame it all on this crazy weather!

  11. The bright side is that it has passed and you're on your way to positive things now!! Really hoping everything with the pup is good!! And when all else fails...just breathe!

  12. Oh is just one of those weeks for you isn't it? I'm sorry, yeah..we all have them and it's ok to acknowledge them and vent about it...healthy in my week will be better! I know it! Cause everything will just fall back into place like it should. And I hope your poor pup doesn't have anything serious going on...that would make me all kinds of upset too. Hang in there pretty's almost Friday! :)

  13. Let it out girl! Phew. That is rough. It will all work out. And I am with Julia, we were barely in our nursery for the first 3 months. Work on your room first! xxoo

  14. Sending all sorts of good vibes and prayers your way, especially for Drake! A sick pup is never easy. Here's to hoping things turn around soon!

  15. Oh girl, friday can't come soon enough for you. that's one hell of a week. i'm pretty sure it can only get better from here.

  16. Gosh!!! When it rains it pours right?? Hopefully with the warm temperatures this weekend you'll be able to relax :)

  17. Ugh, just one of those weeks, huh? Sending lots of good vibes your way, especially for your sweet pup! And the good news is that today is Pre-Friday, so the week is almost over! Hang in there! - M

  18. Girllllll... I've had those weeks! Keep your chin up!

  19. Girlfriend, the good news is your days can only go up from what you've already dealt with this week! A small attempt at consolation, I know. But in all seriousness, you are absolutely allowed a vent sesh when things like this happen; sometimes that's just the perfect remedy. And then it's time to put on a smile and remember one of my favorite quotes: "So far, my success rate for making it through bad days is 100%!" :) You've got this! (And best wishes for poor Drake - that leg looks downright painful!)

  20. You poor thing, what a week! I swear when it rains, it pours. And I can totally relate, basically not a single thing about this relocation has gone the way we wanted but you just have to focus on the good things. We've been staying in a hotel suite the past 3 months w. a crazy dog but I do have a bed to sleep on, heat and food to eat. I try to remember that there's people out there that have it so much worse when I'm having a pity party and am ready to throw in the towel and go back to VA. Sometimes life just sucks. Hang in there, tomorrow's Friday and it's bound to only go up from here! Praying for a quick recovery for your sweet pup & for better days ahead for you. : )

  21. Hang in there sister! It will get better :) Also, happy to hear that you are trying a new vitamin. Hopefully it will help replenish your iron stores better (sorry for the pharmacist talk). xoxo!

  22. OH girl, I feel ya! Hang in there! Things HAVE to get better! I've been having a few weeks like this too but somehow, things are working themselves out and it looks like I'm finally on an upswing. I hope the same thing for you!!

  23. Oh lady. Sometimes life just happens and it isn't pretty.

    My life is pretty similar. Frozen pipes...check! Sleeping on a floor...check! No baby stuff...check! I just keep giving myself the just keep swimming line and hoping it all falls together. We're moving into our house this weekend, so at least we will get a bed! :) Let's hope the next week is much better for us both!

  24. Why can't everything just be spread out, right? I feel ya girl, hang in'll be all solved at the same time! haha!

  25. Oh that sounds horrible. Not nearly as bad as yours but we've had some bad luck here too. Our TiVo died, Noah broke our DVD player, our printer broke, and then Noah threw up all over our glider and I had the hardest time getting that horrible smell out. When it rains it really does pour! Hopefully your luck improves!

  26. It will get better. I hope your dog heals fast!

  27. We have all been there & the best thing to do is to vent!!! Keep your head up, it looks like better things are headed your way!!!!! XO

  28. Lawwwwwwd, anyone would be just as stressed as you with all of that going on. So go ahead, vent all you want! I loved the Ian caps lock part though because it sounds exactly what would have happened if Cameron were to ask me that question in the middle of all of that. ;)

  29. Things fall apart so better things can fall together. That is the saying after all right? Hoping that good things are just around the corner. And that Drake gets better quickly - sounds like he just had a hot spot!

  30. I've never heard you discuss anything other than perfection on your blog, so I am so happy to see this post. Glad to know you're just like the rest of us :) Things will get better... it just sucks that it all happened while you're pregnant. Ugh!

  31. Hahaha, I am not laughing at you at all, I am laughing at your little story with "leaving the house with frozen pipes and a dog chewing its arm off" and then texting Ian about getting a repair done while you were at the airport, because that is SO how I feel with Nick sometimes. Half the time we get so busy and suddenly it's like "wait, this is my job to take care of this too!?" And you just want to throw the towel in and head back to bed.

    The first week of the new year I scraped the car on a side of a wall, had my entire computer hard drive crash resulting in a pricey new hard drive/back-up/repair and my dog got a bad rash. I just had to laugh each one off and go "okay, this is just today, life will go on" and as cheesy as it sounds, it totally works. A year ago I'd have walked around asking "Why me" haha and now it's like "Okay, moving on!"

    Cheers to Friday! It will get better!! :)

  32. It looks like poor Drake has a bad hot spot. My Westie used to get them often. They are usually caused by an allergic reaction to something. My vet prescribed something called Neopred steriod powder and it is a life saver! Also, an ice cold wash cloth laid on the spot for a few minutes gives them some relief. Drake is likely beyond the point of both of these remedies being of much help, but if it happens again, you'll know what to do. They are really common, so don't let it get you too down!

  33. When it rains it pours. I know the feeling.

    Hang in there friend! And enjoy a sweet treat tonight in your jammies after work. You deserve it!

  34. Oh, honeyyyy!!! Hang in there! Those days are so stressful, when it just seems like everything is in termoil! Thankfully, all is okay. Everyone is safe. And, tomorrow is Friday :)

  35. Girl, just let it all out, just vent vent vent! I was there the week of Christmas. When it rains it pours, but I promise you'll have some sunshine soon :) Keep your head up!

  36. Hope your week gets much better come the weekend! I feel like these weeks come in waves for me and generally fall on the weeks when I work 6 of 7 days, rendering me a helpless puddle on the floor. Thank goodness for gracious husbands!

  37. Oh no! What a week. Hoping next week is more relaxing and Drake is feeling better!

  38. Good Lord girl, of all times not to be able to have {a bottle of} wine!! At least you got to miss th Polar Vortex up here, seriously ridiculous! Cheers to a better one next week!

  39. Good Lord girl, of all times not to be able to have {a bottle of} wine!! At least you got to miss th Polar Vortex up here, seriously ridiculous! Cheers to a better one next week!

  40. Keep your chin up! I have had those days/weeks/months where nothing seems to go right! It makes you want to throw a hissy fit...sometimes I wish it was acceptable to throw myself on the floor and kick and scream like a toddler, haha! At least the weekend is almost here!

  41. Ok, that is definitely stressful! Just remember how lucky you are to have that sweet pup to care for, a house with plumbing to fix, and baby in your belly to prepare for! (I know easier said than done right.) But sometimes it helps me to remember all of the things that are going RIGHt before I go crazy over everything going WRONG. It will all work out, you'll see!

  42. Good for you for letting it out! It does not good to hold these things in. We have had many health "scares" with our youngest and normal I am good in the moment but ball to Hubby after the fact. This past November when L hospitalized I held it together but never really had my breakdown. And I think it really depressed me. I thought I was helping my family by being strong but it really was just too much!

    Let it out friend and then it will be easier to move on...I promise! xo

  43. Go ahead and vent!! Being pregnant on top of all that doesn't help at all. Don't stress about the nursery- my son is 6 months old and I still don't feel like his nursery is finished. I'm pretty sure by the time I get it "perfect" he'll be ready for a big boy bed. As long as you have a nice comfy glider/rocker for late night feedings that's all you need!

  44. Good gracious girlie. BLESS YOU! And YES! Every girl need to vent to her fraaaandds! Seriously though. I hope the worst has passed!!! And your disclaimer at the beginning was just perfect. :) Even in your vent sesh, you had me smiling!!! Love those quotes and your authenticity and transparency, girlie! Thanks for that! xx

  45. I hate weeks like that! You just have to throw up your arms and call "uncle" and know it will get better. Hopefully sooner rather than later!

  46. Yep, you've met your quota and now I'm sure you will be in the upswing.

    Chin up! there are sunnier days ahead...

  47. I slept on a mattress on the floor while pregnant because Sampson was incredibly sick and couldn't make it upstairs. One night I got a Charlie horse and couldn't get up off the floor...needless to say I completely understand how uncomfortable it can be!

    I hope Drake feels better soon!!!

  48. You poor thing!! I hope things are turning around, and I wish Drake a super speedy recovery! With all that being said, sometimes it's nice to see that even the girls you think have it all together all the time are still struggling with the same annoying things the rest of us are! :)



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