

Avocado Toast

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Some mornings I am just in the mood for a savory breakfast.  I do love my sweets (just yesterday you heard me waxing poetic about this past Sunday's Frosted Flake coated French toast), but if I can sneak in a veggie or two to a breakfast, I love to do so.

On our girls trip to New York in March of 2012 (recap here), I first tasted avocado toast and was head over heels.  I recreated this the other morning and it was delicious -- and healthy to boot!

Avocado Toast
One slice bread (I used sourdough)
One half of an avocado
Fresh lemon juice
Red pepper flakes
Kosher salt

In a small bowl, mash together avocado with lemon juice to taste.  I left mine slightly chunky but you could mash into a finer texture if so desired.  Toast bread; top warm toast with avocado-lemon juice mixture.  Sprinkle generously with red pepper flakes and some kosher salt flakes.

If you want to get extra wild and crazy, I think a little sprinkle of feta would be over-the-top fantastic on this toast!  What do you think?

How do you incorporate veggies into your breakfasts?  I'd love to hear some of your go-to ideas.

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  1. This looks so yummy!! I've never thought of putting an avocado on toast before but what a perfect breakfast! So healthy and I'm sure keeps you full for hours.

  2. It's soooo good! I actually had avocado on an english muffin this morning with a touch of salt and pepper. Nothing better!

  3. I wish I had some of that RIGHT now! I think I could eat avocado at any time of day. I love tomatoes mixed in an egg hashbrown mix. We have been having that a ton lately!

  4. I had a variant of this yumminess this morning! I also scrambled up an egg and put it on the toast, too. Gotta have some protein in the morning or I'm hungry all day!

  5. Yummy! I will have to try this one. Never thought of it!

  6. i love avocado toast! never tried it for breakfast, but love it as a snack. i make a green smoothie every morning for breakfast - frozen spinach or kale, small green apple, 1/2 banana, and a handful of strawberries. it's delicious!

  7. Umm, yum! That looks amazing. Avocados are going on my grocery list right now.

  8. That looks really good. I'll have to try it sometime soon :)

    I like to put finely diced veggies into my scrambled eggs -- a mixture of squash, zucchini, and broccoli is my favorite combo! And don't forget a tiny dash of Texas Pete!

  9. Looks SO GOOD!...One of my favorite breakfasts is black beans and salsa over toast.

  10. Love salsa on my eggs as a way to sneak in some veggies. Or make mini frittatas for my freezer with spinach! That avocado toast? YUM!

  11. I love avocado toast. At least twice a week I have smashed avocado on toasted ezekiel bread. If I am really hungry, I will add one scrambled egg white on top and a few drops of hot sauce or salsa. Yum!

  12. I have this as a snack or pre-workout fuel all the time! Love so much. Try sprinkling a little truffle oil on's another level!

  13. This looks super yummy and easy! I love that I could throw it together before leaving for work or bring the other half for an afternoon snack! Hope you are having a great week love!

  14. YUM! I'm still adjusting to getting up much earlier. (I don't know that I'll ever actually be adjusted). So for the past 18 workdays, I have had a nature valley bar on the way to work. I feel like if I see one more spec of granola, I will go crazy! Going to have to try the avocado toast soon!

  15. My absolute favorite avocado toast (for breakfast or lunch or anytime because I"m obsessed) is 1 avocado, crumbled goat cheese, lime juice. Mix and Mash together. Sprinke generously with sea salt and put over a nice, crusty bread. Finish with a drizzle of EVOO. MMMMMMM!!! ~Jenn

  16. LOVE your recipes, that avocado toast? YUM!


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