

5 On Friday

This week was kinda long, am I right?!

Super, super excited to know that it's Friday.  I have a cocktail calling my name and a fun weekend ahead!

It's once again time for the 5 On Friday link-up so please do join me, Christina, Natasha, and Darci!

I'm a total creature of habit.  Especially when it comes to breakfast and technology.  Routine keeps me sane, and when a monkeywrench gets thrown into the mix (ahem, demise of Google Reader), it throws me for a loop. 

If you read more than, let's say, five blogs each day -- you'd probably benefit from using some type of a blog reader.  Basically, it lets you quickly hop from unread post to unread post and helps guarantee that you don't miss any postings by your favorite bloggers.  Google Reader was my reader of choice for probably two years now, and it's going away as of this weekend.  I researched all of the options and due to some browser restrictions, I felt like Bloglovin' was my strongest option.  I wasn't thrilled at first but I am a total convert now!  PLUS, they now have an app for iPhone and iPad which I love so much.  Bored at the DMV?  Just pull out the phone and catch up on blog favorites. 

Follow on Bloglovin

Follow on Bloglovin

The button above will get you started.  If you have any questions about Bloglovin, let me know! 

Neutrogena Shampoo - Anti-Residue Formula
After getting my hair done professionally last weekend, I think I gained four pounds in hairspray alone.  My hair looked pretty but it was gunked up with product!  I was looking for a good clarifying shampoo and landed upon this awesome one.  My hair was literally squeaky clean when I rinsed it out.  It is for once-weekly use and then you use your normal shampoo the other days of the week.  You can order it online here for less than $5!

The Charlotte Social
Loving this local group of bloggers!  We had such a fun meet-up last night at NoDa Brewing Company and then ventured next door to Birdsong to try one of their Jalapeno Ales.  Dinner came from The Tin Kitchen food truck and my chicken tacos were incredible!

Easy + Pretty Updos
It's summer and it's HAWT.  This week and last week, we had humidity and thunderstorms in the forecast every day.  And next week?  Same!  I've been wearing my hair in a high twist most days, but I'm itching to recreate this look below. How pretty is it!

Fun Photos!
Last Sunday I teamed up with a great local photographer and we took some fun photos together ... here's a little preview but I can't wait to give more details soon!  I uploaded this on Instagram's new video platform -- follow me at @alizadventures if you'd like to keep up with photos from the wedding this weekend!

Your turn to share your 5 On Friday... I hope you'll join me!  Link up here:


  1. Your photos are sure to be incredible. Such a cute outfit!

  2. This week has been SO long!

    Already following you on bloglovin.

    I have never been good at the self updo.

  3. Last night was so fun! I can't wait for the next one! Thanks for helping me brainstorm for C's big 3-0!

    Dying to see those photoshoot pics! You look darling

  4. So bummed I couldn't make it to te meetup last night. NoDa and Birdsong are two of my favorite places in CLT!

  5. Fun times to meet other bloggers. Love the up-do.

  6. That Neutrogena shampoo is seriously the bees knees. There is nothing else like it.

    I also LOVE the Bloglovin app - so easy to use!

    Have a great weekend! xx

  7. Can't wait to see the photos and loving that updo! Have a great weekend!

  8. Awww, love that you girls had a fun meet-up {and drinks!}. It's always so fun to get together because typically, you already have so much in common! It's kind of like online dating, but for girl{friends}... and that still sounds wrong. You know what I mean! Hahah!!

    And I'm dying to see more photos -- you are just gorgeous, dear!! GORGEOUS!

  9. Love that pretty updo- one of my favorites I've seen! I can't wait to see your photoshoot pics- you look simply stunning!!! Xo

  10. How fun to meet up with a group of local bloggers. I've only met two in my area, but I'm finding more and more the longer I blog / read blogs. Can't wait to see those photos!

  11. I love NoDa! Are you a member of Queen City Blogs? If not, you need to be! We do meet-ups too. :)
    The Grass Skirt

  12. wow that shampoo looks promising:))

  13. So what I don't like about BL on my iPad is there is no easy way to comment, You have to view original post...unless I am missing smething???

    Happy Friday!

  14. Love that updo! If you figure out how to do that be sure to do a tutorial cuz I am clueless. Also, I feel ridiculously behind the times because I don't use a blog reader. Our blog is on bloglovin and I barely use it. Oh the shame!

  15. Loved catching up with you last night! I can't wait to get together again soon!

    and thanks for the shampoo recommendation! I'm going to have to try it out.

  16. You are gorgeous girl!!!! And I'm totally picking up that shampoo asap!

  17. thanks for hosting!

    And those photos of you are certainly magazine worthy...can't wait to see & hear more!

  18. Love your blog!! Didn't realize you were from Charlotte!! I live in Waxhaw! Not far at all!! :)

  19. Thanks for the opportunity to link you. I'm from NC, and know a few of the bloggers in your group. Elizabeth and I have talked for a long time, and of course, I know Dee. I'm in Raleigh.

    Laura did my web design. Your photo shoot looks amazing, and you are gorgeous.

  20. Thank you so much for hosting this linkup each week - I always look forward to it! I'm so envious of your Charlotte blogger meetups; there just aren't many of us bloggers in Central PA!

  21. It was nice meeting you at the meetup! See you next month!

  22. Yes!!! Such a long week here too! Wine-ing and cocktail-ing are on my weekend agenda for sure!!!! That is so great that you have a local blogger meet up! So fun! Today was my first time to link up so I am just checking out all these fab blogs! Cheers to the weekend! xo, Ashley

  23. Going to have to try the shampoo! My hair gets filled with gunk in the summer. Thanks for the tip!

  24. Houston has a pretty awesome blogger scene, but there are so many bloggers that I love in Charlotte, including you! Maybe you guys will have a meetup when I'm in town and I can crash it? :)

  25. Love that photo shoot - omg! So beautiful :) can't wait to see more!


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