

What's In My Bag

What's In My Bag
There's really no time that I don't love being a girlie-girl, except for those few fleeting moments where I look at my husband who is not carting around a 10-pound handbag and develop immense jealousy.

Guys really have it good in that regard, and also in the fact that they can go from PJs to ready in 9 minutes flat.  (sigh)

Other than that -- females are definitely the fairer sex, and if we're going to cart around those heavy handbags, may as well fill them with fun goodies.

Here's a glimpse at what you can find in my purse at this very moment.

{1} Two phones.
Yes, I hate being that girl juggling two phones.  When I first accepted my job 5 years ago, I thought it was pretty sweet.  Now, it's a bit annoying.  I can't combine the two due to HIPAA regulations and the nature of my job.  So for now, I'm a two-phone gal.  And for the record ... iPhones blow Blackberries out of the water.

{2} Two books of matches. 
Somehow these just collect in my purses.  From time to time, I add them to a glass canister in our dining room.

{3} Bath & Body Works PocketBac.
The perfect size, and they truly do smell oh-so-yummy!  I used to think they were unnecessarily scented, but then I got tired of feeling eyes on me in airplanes when a distinct smell of spilled vodka (in actuality, my "no-frills" drugstore brand hand sanitizer) filled the air. 

{4} The all-important koozie.
Because you never know when the mood may strike you to keep your beer cold and feminine-looking.

{5} The cult classic, Rosebud Salve.
The wonder product.  It mainly goes on my lips, but also helps take care of those winter-fied hands with dry cuticles.  I get mine from Sephora ($6 here) and it lasts a long time.

{6} My newest drugstore makeup experiment, Hard Candy Megawatt Smile.
I read about this in a magazine - conditioning lipstick on one end, brush-on teeth whitener at the base.  I got the Shine On color, which is more of a nude color.  I won't say I'm crazy about the conditioning lipstick portion (it doesn't have the staying power that I'd like) but the tooth whitener does seem to work well so far.  Walmart carries this line and a tube will run you $6.

Oh, and um, the Splenda packets?  I may accidentally get a little heavy-handed at the following places: Starbucks, Caribou, Dean & Deluca.  They wind up somehow next to my home coffeemaker.  Oopsies.

Do any of these make an appearance in your purse as well?

Don't forget to enter the
ends this coming Tuesday and
FIVE winners will be chosen!


  1. Laughed at the Splenda packets because I do the same thing and I'd be lying if I said it was un-intentional. I like to have a variety of sweetners on hand at home for guests and I'm entirely too cheap to buy a whole box of something I never use.

    Perhaps I should have kept that dirty little secret to myself? Oh well!

  2. i just got a new BIG bag and i know its just going fill up with more junk and get heavier than my previous one!

    oh to be a girl!

    laughed out loud at the "spilled vodka" one! hahah! have a great weekend, love! xoxo

  3. Love how you carry a koozie. Ha

  4. I always have various lip balms hiding the in the depths of my purse.

    Oh, and guys not having to carry a purse is even more annoying when my husband says {all the time}, "babe, can you hold my keys/wallet/sunglasses?"

  5. SPLENDA PACKETS. I purposely stock up on those when I see them. I HATE grabbing coffee at places that don't have splenda, so i always keep a few in my wallet....and maybe a few at home. :)

  6. haha on the Splenda! I do the same! I'm forever grabbing it out of my purse for places that don't have it for my unsweetned tea :)

  7. I get so tired of lugging my purse around sometimes. I dump everything out on the floor and try to figure out what is so heavy, but I think it's all the little things. I have to admit that I am always with my umbrella and Kindle.

  8. I hate carrying two phones too. My old roomie is from Charlotte and she always carried coozies too!

  9. I always have splenda and matches in my handbag!! I hate when places don't have splenda and for some reason I always pick up matches where ever I go. I also always have hand sanitizer but I got the original route and mine has to smell like vodka or rubbing alcohol I hate the scented ones.

  10. I'm with you on the hand sanitizer. Happy Friday!

  11. Girl, my husband takes longer to get ready than I do!! haha. He's ALWAYS asking me to carry stuff for him in my purse. I eventually told him that he had to carry my purse if he kept asking! (I was somewhat kidding)

  12. I have been meaning to ask...are you still happy with your LV Speedy?

    Have a great weekend!!!

  13. I have two phones too and I hate it! My company actually switched to iPhones last year so now I have an iPhone 4S and an iPhone 5. Pain in the behind! I thought it was cool at first and now it's just a hassle. Much faster to get a hold of me on my personal phone anyway! And I'm obsessed with my PocketBac too. Use it all the time!


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