

Party Like It's 2013

New Years Eve is maybe my favorite holiday.
If it is a holiday indeed?  I had to work on NYE, so maybe notsomuch.

Rhinestones, champagne, fireworks, kisses.  Love it all.

This year we celebrated with friends at their house and had a delicious feast -- brown sugar ham biscuits, mac & cheese, and tamales.  And champagne, natch!

I wore a sparkly silver blazer that my sister Sarah gave me along with a Burberry blouse I got in California last year (marked down to $20 at an upscale consignment store) and black satin capris.  I also wore my Nana's rhinestone earrings which I last wore at our wedding reception!

We are looking forward to a great 2013 ... and I have two little men in particular I am really excited to meet this year!

My resolutions this year:

* Exercise consistently and with dedication.
* Be on time (or early) more.
* Procrastinate less.
* Make 2013 a successful year for my Etsy shop.

I'm interested in hearing from you -- what one resolution are you most interested in keeping?


  1. I need to work on that procrastination thing as well! Happy New Year!

  2. It looks like a wonderful time! I love your outfit. :) I'm hoping to cook and exercise more, which are always two things I really struggle with.

  3. I love all of the photos now that you have a new camera! I got a DSLR this year too and it's so fun capturing beautiful photos of simple things! Good resolutions - a few make my list too. :) Happy 2013!

    Cows, Corn, Country Girls

  4. Love your earrings and bun! That feast sounds delicious! My resolutions are to blog more, gripe less, and to get fit!

  5. I don't usually have NY resolutions as my goals change and my to do lists grow each month :) However, I am definitely going to make sure that my husband and I get more date nights! More date nights and a little more "me time" for both of us. We are always so happy to hang out with our boys that we forget that we need solo time too.

  6. Love your sparkly blazer - how cute!

  7. Love the blazer and earrings! I need to also be on time and procrastinate less- I'm awful at both

  8. Well hello Luke Daube! Love your outfit and hair and especially the earrings :)))
    Happy, Happy!!

  9. That jacket is incredible...I love it. Happy New Year!

  10. BABIES..all babies all the time in this post.
    Looks like all your friends are having boys!
    My resolution is to do some serious meal planning!

  11. Girl, I am loving that jacket and those gorgeous earrings.

  12. I'm convinced you have the best hair and eye lashes! :) Great pics, glad y'all had a nice new years!

  13. I think getting back to my 2008 weight is my goal. Really it is more about toning up. I dropped weight with the wedding but wish I had been more fit!


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