

Autumn Nail Colors

Autumn Nail Colors

It's that time of year ... time to retire the peony pinks and the bright lavenders in exchange for some gorgeous and rich fall nail colors!

Although Essie is a personal fave of mine (with OPI running a close second), I have a little secret to pass along to you.

My number one, NUMBER ONE, nail polish is ....

... which is a mouthful to say.  But it's amazing as a base coat!

When I put this underneath my nail polish, I can go nearly a week with only a few chips on the tip of my nails.  And I'm not one of those girls who can do that.  I have friends that have nails that hang on to nail polish for dear life, but mine (maybe I have oilier nail beds?) don't tend to go that way.  Mine start chipping within 1-3 days, typically.

However, one quick layer of this acrylic gel polish and I can be guaranteed a long-lasting self-mani.  And don't be fooled by the name; it's not difficult to remove.  Regular polish remover does the job very well.

So next time you're about to put on a few coats of You Don't Know Jacques (a classic and another favorite of mine) -- take my advice and use this gel basecoat first.  And then you can actually ENJOY your manicure!


  1. Love all those Essie ones! I have You Don't Know Jacques on now - LOVE it!

  2. Oh this is PERFECT for me - my manicures chip almost as soon as I put the polish on. Thanks!

  3. Great recommendation - may need to pick this up on my next trip to Ulta or CVS! :)

  4. I'm going to have to try the Hard As Wraps, it sounds like just what I have been looking for. You Don't Know Jacques is one of my fall faves.

  5. I'm gonna have to try that! Especially if it isn't hard to remove.

  6. Is #4 the Recessionista? I got that from Klout! I've gotta say that my recent purchase of Sally Hansen's Slick Slate is my favorite. It looks just like that OPI one!

  7. I need to find those Essie polishes and check them out! They look gorgeous! xx

  8. Oh thank you!!! I've been looking for a great base coat!

  9. Love Essie nailpolishes a little too much--and probably need to add that green fall color to my collection! Thanks for the Hard As Wraps suggestion as well!

  10. Sounds like I need to try that SH stuff as a base! My nails chip so quickly!

  11. I just found a similar polish at walmart of all places and it has changed my life!

  12. Thank you for the hard as wraps recommendation! My manis always chip on day 2 but this extended it a few more days!


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