

Full Fat, Full Sugar ... No Fat, No Sugar

I've got a major sweet tooth.  There, I said it.

I'm trying to retrain it to crave fruit, but it is an uphill battle.

When the mood strikes me for a sweet, I'm an all-or-nuthin' girl.  My snack of choice is going to be pretty dang unhealthy or not too unhealthy at all.  The stuff in the middle, like 100 calorie packs, they just seem like fillers to me. 

So here's what I enjoyed this past weekend:

This Caribbean Coconut gelato by Talenti is insanely delicious.  Maybe not the healthiest, but delicious enough to justify that.  I brought this home Friday evening and dove straight in.  Know how they tell you to manage portion control by eating out of a small bowl?  Yep, that didn't happen.  I ate it straight out of the plastic pint with a spoon.  And now I've got the sniffles, so I guess that means Ian shouldn't eat any at all {we don't want him catching my germs, do we?}.

And this is my poor man's version of the Salted Caramel Mocha from Starbucks.  Maybe I should call it the skinnygirl version!  Low-cal hot cocoa mix topped off with Toriani's sugar-free Salted Caramel syrup.  Ian and I enjoyed these on Saturday afternoon after doing some yardwork.  Ya'll ... they are REALLY tasty.

What's your favorite indulgence?


  1. somewhere between the teen years and my twenties* I somewhat lost my ALL THE TIME sweet tooth and now my #1 indulgence is CHEESE.

    *it was probably after I started drinking so much wine. wine + cheese = heaven

  2. Oh yes, I also have a terrible sweet tooth and as much as I love wine and cheese I now have a great love for wine and chocolate (see today's post)!

  3. I have a huge sweet tooth...there pretty much isn't anything I don't like. :(

  4. I'm with Stephanie.. wine and cheese are my favorite but I really love white chocolate anything!

  5. My new favorite obsession is this chocolate peanut butter I found at Whole Foods. I think Harris Teeter has it, too. It is unbelievably good, and I tell myself it's "healthy" as it's so rich, I can get by with one tablespoon instead of a whole dessert!

  6. Good call on the skinny carmel mochas:)!!

  7. Mm...that gelato looks amazing! and I must get that Torani syrup, it would definitely give my cheapo hot chocolate an extra boost!

  8. any kind of ice cream i can get my hands on these days...that and anything flavored with peppermint!!

  9. Just add coffee and you have the perfect drink right thurrrr. Now I'm craving one.

    Did you cross #28 off your list yet? (I'm heading to Europe in a week and am looking for some guest postersss.)

  10. What great recommendations. I will be trying both - and the gelato will come directly out of the container with an eating spoon. Yum.

  11. Oh yummm where did you get the salted carmel stuff?


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