

Old School Fun

Know what we did Friday night?  We walked to the nearby high school and went to their homecoming football game.

They played against one of the best teams in the region, another Charlotte high school team.

Our friends Lindsay and Casey joined us.  We snacked on M&Ms and Ian bought us girls hot chocolates ... complete with marshmallows on top.  It was chilly outside but I sipped on my hot chocolate and watched as the new homecoming queen was crowned. 

Ahhhh, memories.  No, I wasn't homecoming queen.  But I was on the court!  Don't worry, I have proof.

That's a true flashback to the fall of 1999.


I'm not gonna lie ... on Friday night I was a little jealous of the high school girls running around in skintight leggings and Uggs, texting and giggling and holding hands with boys.

And then I remembered that they had curfews.  And I still got to hold hands with a boy, and I didn't have to worry about him breaking up with me via text.  And I took a sip of my hot chocolate and smiled at the fact that it had a minibottle of Baileys in it ... which I can do because I am over 21.  :)


  1. HA! Fun! Love the hat! I need a bucket hat :-)

  2. You are hilarious sneaking mini bottles into the game!

    I love that yall walked over there and did that. It's weird because I was thinking about mentioning to Kevin to do the same thing last Friday. We'll have to do it before the season ends.

  3. I love that you snuck a mini bottle of Baily's into the game! I should have done that a few weeks ago when we went to my high schools homecoming!

  4. Love that you're all bundled up at a HS football game (sometimes those are the best!) and love even more than you came prepared with Bailey's.

  5. i LOVE your bucket hat :)

    and if it helps, all the high schoolgirls are jealous of girls like you too :)

  6. hhahaha love the adding baileys to the hot chocolate at the football game, such a rebel ;)

  7. The last paragraphs made me laugh! I love it! Also, your hat is adorable. My high school and college didn't have football, so I missed out!

  8. the hat--adorable!! and haha about the little things we can do now that we're adults ;)
    oh the high school days...

  9. wow- someone hasn't changed since high school! your skin is flawless :) Hubs and I went to a high school homecoming 2 weeks ago and I had similar thoughts while sneaking my wine in!

  10. Okay, now I'm totally craving a Baileys coffee. Yummm!!!

  11. Hahah such a funny post! So true. High school was great.. but growing up and having all the freedom is even better!

  12. Yup, being an adult is oh so much better!

  13. I absolutely love the entire last sentence of this post!! Everything about it!!! Even the way it was written. LOVE!

  14. Awesome post, April! I love that you were on homecoming court. I was absolutely not lol. And I think that last paragraph was the best part of this post (you have a hubby AND a "grown up" drink).

  15. I miss high school football games! But I also agree that they're probably a lot more fun as an adult!


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