

My Monogram Bridal Shower

On Sunday afternoon, my sweet aunt hosted for me a monogram bridal shower.  We gathered at her beautiful home and this incredible hostess had a tiara and veil for me to wear along with a sash!  All of the ladies that came were offered a big flower on a hairclip to slip right in their hair.  And the most fun part?  The invite read "Attire: Wear an old bridesmaids dress!"

Even the monkey had a veil on!

With the beautiful hostess, my aunt

Aren't the flowers gorgeous?

The gals in their dresses

We had a lot of laughs, some really amazing food, and a great time talking.  It was such a creative and fun idea to wear an old bridesmaids dress!


  1. haha how fabulous - and i LOVE the monekey!

  2. That is a great idea! You're Aunt looks like a movie star!! wowzers!

  3. That is such a brilliant idea! I know my old dresses tend to sit in the back of my closet...never to be worn again. Love it!

  4. Look like so much fun! Hope you had a great time :)

  5. Monogram bridal shower? Say no more! It sounds like an amazing time!

  6. ohmygosh HOW FUN! love the pics girl!

  7. A super clever idea about the dresses!! I love it :) I may have to steal that for an upcoming shower!

  8. I love the idea about wearing an old bridesmaid's dress! I have a similar wine chiller except my monogram is in pink and the ribbon is striped with pink, blue, yellow, and green!

  9. Congrats on your upcoming wedding!! I had a monogram shower too, it was such a neat idea!! Ejoy every minute of this time, it goes so quickly!!

  10. Your shower sounded so fun! I'm obsessed with monograms so that would have been right up my alley! :) Glad you had a nice time. Ya'lls dresses were too cute! Love the idea!


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