

Weekend Recap

We had a wonderful and relaxing weekend at our lakehouse.  Friday night, I arrived around 8 - just in time for dinner.  Laura made gorgeous macarons for dessert.  Since she and I have the same macaron recipe book (remember this post?), I'll definitely be recreating the blueberry cheesecake macarons below:

Saturday brought lots of treats, too -- like the afternoon cocktail we had with champagne and a few splashes of cranberry-raspberry juice.  Super tasty.

Drake had lots of fun adventures gallivanting around with our family's dog, Tipsy.  The two of them are a sight to see -- a large, old dog and a small, young dog ... but they are doggie BFFs.

Tipsy spent a good portion of the afternoon watching this swimming loon intently....

The weather was so warm that we all laid out on the dock in bathing suits.  (This is my sister Laura, and she's reading Water For Elephants, which I recently read and loved.)

Before leaving Sunday, I made sure to get some good clippings from the rosemary bushes on either side of the deck.  For dinner last night, I baked a few fillets of fish with artichoke hearts, lemon, herbes de provence, and rosemary sprigs.

Drake and I rolled down the windows on the way back to Charlotte and just enjoyed the breeze.

I came back early enough to drop Drake off at home and head down to Pewter Rose Bistro for brunch with the girls.  These girls' husbands/fiances were also at Ian's bachelor weekend in Snowshoe, WV.  I can now say that all guys came back with no broken bones ... thank goodness!

Brunch was fantastic.  Pewter Rose brings all tables their signature butterscotch scones, which are fantastic.  I had one mimosa and one Pom mimosa along with their quiche du jour and delicious home fries.  We girls had such a great time together, we already have another brunch scheduled for a few weeks out!


  1. so jealous of your fabulous weather! those macrons look so scrumptious! nom nom! xo

  2. OMG!!! Those macarons look incroiable! After living in France I do miss those, but not as much as my Charlotte warmth...ny is a bit colder, it's been a hard winter :/
    Thanks for your lovely inspiring weekend to get me through it!

  3. Mmmmm, brunch at Pewter Rose is fabulous! I love the name Tipsy for a dog, so cute. Have a great week!

  4. What a fun weekend! And butterscotch scones sound amazing!

  5. Wow, butterscotch scones? You're making me hungry... :)

  6. The champagne and macarons both look delicious!!!

  7. Drake is adorable, and I get sad when dogs die! My son is unique because he loves to dance! He bounces, and then shakes his head back and forth and kicks one leg! ahh I love babies!outdoor rabbit hutches

  8. I was getting worried. You hadn't posted in a while. Now I see why. Wow! You are just too....super1234

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  10. That was so awesome and yes everyone should learn from our dogs to be unconditional. This remembered of my dog too.Lovely post.groot hondenkussen


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