

Q&A Monday with Shasta and Megan

First, let me say this.

Marriage is a compromise.

A true compromise.

So, when you see the ECU Pirate figurine behind me on the bookcase -- Ian's bookcase, mind you -- then you will know why it is there.  My bookcase, which is on my other side but out of sight of the camera?  It is super pretty.  Stationery, colorful books, and a metallic elephant.  So, there.

And with that said, I'm linking up today with Shasta Anne and Pretty in Pink Megan for Q&A Monday.

If you want to play along, here are the ten questions:

1. What is the best advice you've ever given and received?
2. Type of music you like most?
3. Shoe size?
4. Who sent the last text message you received?
5. If you could meet any one person (from history or currently alive), who would it be?
6. Have you ever been fired or “let go”?
7. What's under your bed?
8. Do you believe in love at first sight?
9. What is your middle name?
10. Do you think that you are a good singer?


  1. You're so sweet April! And I love that quote! Great advice :) Oprah's my favorite too!

  2. Oparh was a great choice! Loved your vlog!

  3. Love your vlog! It gets to see the real you! Good answers as well. You are too cute girl!

  4. Aww you're too cute! I love that quote too - it's so true, and applies to so many situations in our lives.

  5. 1) I want to put you in my pocket and keep you forever

    2) I'll never stop saying it. I COVET YOUR EYELASHES!

    I might do this tonight... I was GOING to do it yesterday but I looked gross after my fight with the treadmill... but since YOU did it, I must copy and do it too :)

  6. Cute, cute! That quote is wonderful. ANd like the booty dance part. :) Fun video!

  7. I agree with you completely about love at first sight--I think lust at first sight is possible, but love is something that develops over time! Loved hearing your Southern accent!

  8. This was fun! That quote is amazing. I will definitely keep it in mind. :)

  9. I would adore meeting Oprah, too! Super cute vlog! xoxo

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